Committing to reduce emissions within your own supply chain is a critical step in your Climate Neutral Certification. This page is full of resources and suggestions for your brand as you start mapping out a reduction strategy that is right for your team. We hope you find it helpful!

🚩 Ready to get started with setting your plans? Open the Certification Portal’s Reduce page and click Add Action Plan to begin.

Why are reduction actions important?

Climate experts are in agreement that we must limit global warming to 1.5°C in order to avoid the greatest climate impacts and irreversible tipping points. This is achievable if all brands like you take immediate action and start working on both short-term and long-term reduction strategies!

Everyone would like to reach zero net carbon emissions without the use of offsets. But that's just not the reality for 99.9% of brands in 2023. Our systems of production, transport, travel, etc. are not there yet. That's why it's so important to neutralize your emissions with eligible carbon credits while working toward a long-term reduction strategy.

That’s why it’s so important that brands step up to reduce emissions in their own operations and supply chain. You may have heard these terms —

There are so many strategies you can implement to start making progress toward net zero goals! Some reduction actions save you money. Some are just really easy. Maybe you’ve already implemented some of these solutions, but there might be some simple ways to reduce your footprint that you haven’t thought of yet.

In this guide we’ll walk you through how to approach building a comprehensive and action-oriented reduction strategy for your brand.

Build your reduction strategy

1. Prepare

Understand the Requirements for Certification